Wednesday, January 28, 2009

@(*_*)@ (that's a monkey) HAHA!

HHMMMM??? What to write about? Yep, that's right. This is another school post. I hate when you have nothing to write about. Umm?

Right now I am doing a book study on Little House in the Big Woods and so far it's pretty good. I'm only on like the 2nd chapter so I really don't know what I can write about it but I am about to go read it because that would be the next subject on our loop schedule.

I know something! At our church me and Olivia helped in the 3 and 4 year old class and the teacher asked us to be like official helpers and me and her are going to be in charge of crafts and we are like super excited! The only thing is that I really don't know what crafts to do. We will probably get online and find something though.

That was really random. I am going to eat lunch now. Hopefully that was a long enough post!

1 comment:

  1. Cute monkey!

    My daughter read "Little House in the Big Woods" book and loved it. She is now on "Farmer Boy" and will be writing a report on it in a week or two. She loves the books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
