Last Thursday we went to Oatland Isalnd for a family fun day! We saw a lot of animals and the scenery was so pretty! We had so much fun! Here are some pictures from the day! They may
not be in order because blogger is being aggravating so enjoy the pictures!!
Aaron the alligator!

Me and my mommy!!

Me and Mama and Momo!

When we were looking at the alligators i spotted this! It's a stick smiley face!!

The alligators!

and again

The cougars were so pretty!

We were walking and we were hearing a woodpecker but couldn't find it and then I finally found it! I took this picture! I was suprised at how clear it came out!!

My crazy brother jumping over a bush!

All of us!

Momo monkey!

Ian being cute

This is on the marsh walk. Me and my mom making shadows and my dad taking the picture!

and again


The most awsome paretns EVER!!

The fox

The sheep

The biggest cow I have ever seen in my life!!

This pig was so funny. He was rolling his big ball all over the pen! It was so funny!!

Looking at my most favorite farm animal!! The Donkey!!
The hawks.


A sleeping owl

The eagles!

The deer

Me and Mama and Momo


My mommy and brother

All of us siblings


Me and Ian touching a baby alligator!

Pretty scenery
The wolves

The coolest Armadillo I have ever seen!!
Feedibg the big fish and turtles!
One of many turtles
The bestest mommy!

After we left we went to Dairy Queen and got Ice cream! What a great day we had!
Sounds like a wonderful day! Thanks for sharing all of the photos. I love the smiley face stick. :0)